Take Uber to/from Winter Beer Carnival
Uber is a mobile app that allows you to request a black car or SUV at the touch of a button and ride through Atlanta in luxury and style. Simply download the app from iTunes or GooglePlay, set up an account and your ready to party. Your private driver will arrive in 10 minutes and your credit card gets charged automatically for your all-inclusive ride (read: NO CASH NECESSARY).
Winter Beer Carnival has partnered up with Uber to get you to the carnival safely and in style! New Uber riders receive $20 off of 2 rides, to and from Atlantic Station.
To redeem, rider must enter the promo code “WinterBeer” **before** requesting their first Uber. Tip: enter the code at sign up
This offer only available on 2 rides, and only to or from Atlantic Station
Only valid on rides *requested* between 12pm 2/9 – 4am 2/10
Uber-ing is easy. Just visit http://bit.ly/SVelLA for step-by-step instructions on requesting a car.
Questions? Please send them to Rachel at supportatl@uber.com
Drink With Us!